What does participation in this study involve?
The purpose of this study is to investigate a new, experimental anxiety and alcohol use reduction program called Re-Train Your Brain. As part of this study we will first ask you to complete a brief 10-minute survey comprising questions that will be used to determine whether this study is suitable for you. If the study is not suitable for you, we will provide you with a list of alternative options for seeking assistance and support.
If the program is deemed suitable, participation will involve three steps:
1. Tell us about yourself.

We'll ask you to answer an online survey about who you are and how you're feeling, including some questions on your mental health and substance use. You will also be asked to complete an online cognitive assessment to measure your “cognitive biases”, or unconscious mental habits. In total, the survey and cognitive assessment will take approximately 45minutes, and you will receive a $30 gift voucher for your time.
Once the initial survey and cognitive assessments are completed, you will be randomly allocated to receive:
- 10 sessions of the brain training intervention, which will be delivered in one of two different formats, plus treatment as usual, or
- Treatment as usual only
Random allocation means that neither you nor the study team choose which program you receive; this is determined by chance (like a toss of a coin).
2. Complete the brain training sessions

Alongside your treatment as usual, if you’re allocated to one of the two brain training groups, you'll be asked to complete 10 training sessions over the course of five weeks (two sessions per week). Each of the training sessions will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
OR complete your treatment as usual only.
If you are randomly allocated to the control group, you’ll be asked to continue with your standard treatment.
Both groups will also be asked to complete a brief weekly assessment on recent anxiety symptoms and drinking (5-mins), each of which will be reimbursed with a $5 e-voucher (paid as an accumulative voucher after the end of the 5-week intervention period).
3. Complete our follow-up assessments.

We’ll then ask you to complete two follow-up assessments; one 6 weeks and another 3 months after the initial assessment. These assessments will involve the completion of an online survey and cognitive assessment. These assessments will take approximately 45mins and you will receive a $30 gift voucher for your time at each occasion.
For those who were allocated to the treatment as usual only group, you will be given the opportunity to access one of the brain training programs after the 3-month follow-up assessment.